Monday, August 1, 2011

I just have one???

First of all, I want to say thank you for the comments! I so appreciate them, its fun to get feed back! :D

As I have followed your blogs out there, I have discovered that most of you have 'several' scissor keeps and fobs..and scissors, .they have been beautiful to see....but what has surprised me most is that it is OK to have more than one! rofl...I thought you could only have one??????...oh dear...I have added so many of them to my wishlist now!

I made my 'one' scissor keep several years ago from a freebie ( ) that I found on the internet, it was the first time that I used the beautiful watercolours and other threads that were just becoming available. I also learned lots of fun stitches (not that I remember any of them, lol)

This afternoon I picked some basil and made pesto to have on our pasta tonight, along with chicken from the grill and icy cold watermelon.....hehe...its too hot for anything else.

Best stitches to you :)


  1. Cindy, I love your scissor keep. I think I have about 8 with at least that many on the to-do list!

  2. Lovely scissor keep! But talk of fresh pesto and watermelon has made me hungry for dinner.... hmmmmm

  3. Your scissor keep is beautiful!

    Fresh basil, watermelon--YUMMMMMMM!

  4. I don't have one, though with the quilt frame newly hogging up the living room I've been wanting one something that would attach somehow, I haven't figured it all out, but something... Yours is truly lovely and your dinner sounds like it was wonderful.
